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Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Greatest Sports Announcer Of All Time

Mr. John Madden

I've compiled some of the greatest clips from the voice of a generation.

4) John Madden, the linguist:

And don't even get him started on bootleg DVDs.

3) John Madden, the artist:

And it wouldn't be his last penis drawing. Go ahead, search 'John Madden Penis' on youtube. On second thought, that could be risky.

2) John Madden, the spokesman:

Boom! He also mentored the great Billy Mays.

1) John Madden, the philosopher:

Although I don't agree with the title of the above video, whoever posted that has a great ear. And I would like to thank them for preserving the greatest compilation of all time.

When Frank Caliendo does a spot on impression of someone it cements him in the history books forever. It just so happens John Madden is one of these people.

He also does impressions of George W, Robin Williams, and even William Shatner. Any time you can be grouped with those three, you know you've done something right.

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