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Friday, June 10, 2011

The Worst Songs To Have Stuck In Your Head

After a long day on the beach with no sounds but the waves of the Gulf and my own thoughts, I have compiled the worst songs to have stuck in your head. A combination of annoyingly catchy hooks, poor vocals, and repitition allow these songs to stick around for what feels like forever.
Primarily Inspired by:

My Top 5:

5)  Avril's Girlfriend:

Such a classic video though.

4) At this point it's already getting tough to separate the next four but im going to go with:

So deep and inspiring. Especially after hearing it repeatedly on the radio and in my head.

3) Number three is often considered the best band of all time. But who am I to judge?

OK so maybe not the BEST band but surely a close 2nd... Right?

2) Getting good now. How I love it when they play this at every Braves Game:

The band name is Rednex... oh did I mention they're Swedish?

1) I apologize in advance for getting this song stuck in your head. Enjoy:

The song is right, after all.

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