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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

And Show It Begins

Welcome one and all to the most important blog on the internet. Thus begins a journey unlike any other. So unique even hipsters tend to like it (but you can never really tell with them). Please pay close attention to the ginormous boombox background cause its pretty cool. I have a lot of unique thoughts and you will have the pleasure of receiving them if you so choose.

I will also conclude all of my blog posts with a totally awesome video so even if you don't enjoy my thoughts just scroll down to the bottom. Here we go:

I'm 20 years old and I still don't know the result of the classic nursery rhyme, "eeny meeny miney moe." This is not because of my lack of intelligence, (although I did just google search intelligence to avoid an embarrassing misspelling) but rather because it spices up my life. When a choice between two or more things comes down to if a tiger hollers after you catch it by the toe, you really feel a sense of accomplishment in the result. Or if I secretly don't like the outcome, the rhyme is ajusted to end in, "My mother told me to pick the very best one and you are not IT." While that seems like a lot of effort to make a decision I enjoy it just as much as I did when I learned the rhyme around the age of 6.

So yes, I could just grow up and make a decision without running through a 4 lined rhyme but what's the fun in that?

Oh and please don't ruin the ending for me. It has been a good streak of ignorance.

Until next time,
Enjoy a legend:

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