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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Whadda ya have? Whadda ya have?

Since my junior year of high school I have worked at my local Chick-Fil-A and I can't complain. Well, actually I can but there is a lot to be happy about too. I don't want to bore anyone too much so I'll keep it to my top 4 perks and top 4 annoyances of being a "team member."

Enjoy. And to all of my fellow fast food, nay, "quick-service restaurant" (one of Chick-Fil-A's many taboo phrases) workers, keep on "going the extra mile." Because we all know that our minimum wage income makes us really care less if your fries are cold or if there are two too many pickles on your sandwich.

The top 4 reasons I still work at Chick-Fil-A:

4) The food - I have yet to meet anyone that cannot find one thing on the menu that they enjoy here. Even vegetarians can get a milkshake. Vegans... enjoy a side salad.

3) The regulars - They always know what they want and often have exact change. A win-win for us employees.

2) Fellow employees - Even if you would never be friends with these people in real life, you automatically have something in common when you're both getting yelled at for a sandwich that has butter on it when it wasn't supposed to. The following hour of making fun of said customer is priceless.

1) Spanish - My #1 perk. Almost everyone I work with is fluent in spanish and has no problem speaking just that to me. Not only do I get to hear this language at all times, I also get to learn useful things like how to call each other little girls or how to say, "I'm drunk." I find these much more useful to my everyday life than what we are taught in spanish classes. When am I ever going to need to know the words for abstract art, trigonometry, or flight attendant?

Now the fun part. My top 4 annoyances:

4) People who yell - Whether in the drive through or at the front counter, I can hear fine. If I say I missed a part of the order it's because I wasn't paying attention.

3) Night Owls - We close at 10 PM. Please don't come at 9:55 and order 4 milkshakes. And don't be suprised if the worker tells you, "I'm sorry our machine just stopped working." Not that I've ever pulled that one....

2) The indecisive - I understand if you don't know what you want right away. Just tell me that. That would spare me having to recite the countless prompting phrases of, "Anything else?" or "Will that be all for you today?" And if I ask if you want any sauces and you say, "No, just ketchup..."

Ketchup is a sauce.

1) The rude - At times they can be fun to just smile at while they get more angry but usually they are just plain annoying. Don't tell me, "One sec." Because I know it will be at least a minute more before you end your phone conversation. Also please avoid, "Hang on..." because I'm not desperately holding on to a cliff overlooking an endless abyss.

Just sayin'.

Please enjoy my co-worker Miguel's favorite tune to sing whenever a pretty customer walks in:

¡Qué voz! ¡Qué bonita!

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