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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bands That Will Save Rock & Roll

For every generation, there are a handful of groups that keep rock chugging along as it should.

These groups are few in number and have the daunting challenge of trying to make money while 'artists' like Ke$ha or Rebecca Black become famous with questionable talent (see below).

You may have heard of a few of these bands. I didn't include any that have already done their share in keeping rock alive.

Now its up to the following bands to show the world what real music sounds like (in no particular order):

1) Bombay Bicycle Club's "Evening/Morning" off of their first album -
It takes a real man to pull off short shorts like that.

2) We Were Promised Jetpacks' "Quiet Little Voices" -
The lead singer has an Enrique Iglesias mole so you know he'll be famous.

3) The Vaccines' "Norgaard" -
Any quality song under two minutes garners my respect.

4) If you've made it this far through the list, prepare to be pleasantly surprised.

Young The Giants' "Cough Syrup" -

I highly recommend checking out their entire self-titled album.

Ice Cube and homies don't approve.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Best Mashup Ever Created?


I vote yes. If you haven't heard a Big Boi or Black Keys song by now, the combonation of the two might blow your mind so listen with caution.

DJ Wick-it's mashup is of the following:

Big Boi's "Sir Lucious Left Foot...[blablabla]..."

The Black Keys got really creative on this album cover.

 It's what the kids call "That Fire."